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Please can we have installation steps for an multihomed otrs installation on on single PC with more than one Apache server??
in Education & Reference by (1.6k points) | 1.9k views

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Installation steps for an multihomed otrs installation on on single PC with more than one Apache server


First Instance of OTRS 

STEP : 1

# cd /usr/local/src/

# Installation source:

# wget

STEP : 2

# tar -zxvf otrs-3.0.6.tar.gz

STEP : 3

# mv otrs-3.0.6 otrs

STEP : 4

# mv otrs /opt/otrsone

STEP : 5

# cd /opt/otrsone/Kernel

STEP : 6

# cp

STEP : 7

# cd Config

STEP : 8

# cp

STEP : 9

# useradd -d /opt/otrsone/ -c 'OTRS Instance user' otrsone

STEP : 10

# groupadd otrsone

STEP : 11

# usermod -G otrsone otrsone

STEP : 12

# cd /opt/otrsone/Kernel


STEP : 13

# vi

Search Home and change otrs to otrsone

$Self->{Home} = '/opt/otrsone';

STEP : 14

# cd /opt/otrsone/bin/

STEP : 15

# perl /opt/otrsone/ --otrs-user=otrsone --web-user=otrsone --otrs-group=otrsone --web-group=otrsone



First Instance of httpd 

STEP : 1

# cd /usr/local/src

STEP : 2

# tar -zxvf httpd-2.2.24.tar.gz

STEP : 3

# cd httpd-2.2.24

STEP : 4

# mkdir /opt/apache-one

STEP : 5

# cd /usr/local/src/httpd-2.2.24

STEP : 6

# ./configure --prefix=/opt/apache-one

STEP : 7

# make

STEP : 8

# make install

STEP : 9

# cd /opt/apache-one

STEP : 10

# mkdir conf.d

STEP : 11

# cd /opt/apache-one/conf.d/


STEP :12

# vi otrs.conf

Copy   And Paste


#basic apache configurations file for OTRS

ScriptAlias /otrs/ "/opt/otrsone/bin/cgi-bin/"

Alias /otrs-web/ "/opt/otrsone/var/httpd/htdocs/"

# Directory settings


<Directory "/opt/otrsone/bin/cgi-bin/">

 AllowOverride None

 Options +ExecCGI -Includes

 Order allow,deny

 Allow from all


<Directory "/opt/otrsone/var/httpd/htdocs/">

 AllowOverride None

 Order allow,deny

 Allow from all



STEP : 13

# cd /opt/apache-one/conf/

STEP : 14

# cp httpd.conf httpd.conf.orig

STEP : 15

# vi httpd.conf

Change following in httpd.conf

Listen 8181

User otrsone

Group otrsone

Add at Last Line in httpd.conf

Include conf.d/*.conf

STEP : 16

# chown otrsone:otrsone -R /opt/apache-one

STEP : 17

# su otrsone

STEP : 18

# /opt/apache-one/bin/apachectl start


STEP : 19

# cd /usr/local/src/

STEP : 20

# rm -rf  httpd-2.2.24

STEP : 21

# cd  /etc/init.d


STEP : 22

# vi otrsone

copy and Paste




# otrsone:       Starts the  copy of otrs


# chkconfig: 2345 96 20

# description: Starts and stops the Copy of OTRS at boot time and shutdown.


/opt/apache-one/bin/apachectl start


STEP : 24

# chkconfig --add otrsone

STEP : 25

# chkconfig --level 2345 otrsone on





by (1.1k points)
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