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so I'm going to try and make this short and sweet I have been in the army for almost two years, since May 2013 I've been going to the doctors about my wrist injury that happened during Basic & AIT, the first surgery (01 July 2013); they have found and removed multiple ganglion cysts, that have been wrapped around my main artery and ten-dent's and they reconstructed my joint capsule. they also had found two TFCC tears but decided to try and let it heal naturally. July-October I was going to occupational therapy 3 times a week I still had lots of pain in my wrist so they sent me to get another MRI done and a nerve exam, to only find out I had more ganglion cysts and a few more torn ligaments (Scapholunate tear and I forgot what the other was called) nerve exam showed no nerve damage but just a pissed off nerve is what they told me, they had me stop occupational therapy because it would only damage my wrist more, second surgery was November 21st 2013, they found a chipped bone, and I believe he said what was called synovitis which makes the fluid in my wrist unclear for surgery and he couldn't get to the torn ligaments or the ganglion cysts. he told me I would at least need 3 more surgeries, next one is scheduled for February 25th 2014, He does not want me going to physical therapy due to it only making my wrist worse. I have been on the same profile since May 2013, I have an appointment with my primary doctor next week to see if I can get an off post referral for a second opinion on my wrist. I’m still waiting to hear if I’m going to med board or not but I have lost all capability of my wrist and its ROM. It’s very difficult for me to do lots of simple tasks like folding laundry or opening doors etc. I can’t complete a pt. test nor hold a weapon anymore I feel useless to the army and I have had no support from anyone I’m just tired of it. I have been prescribed meds after meds to deal with pain which I think made matters worse, cause my memory has gone to shit and I have sleep apnea also. Basically I want to know how the med board process works, if someone will be assigned to help me through this and get the benefits that I deserve.


  1. Do I get 100% of the post 911 GI bill?
  2. About how much disability percent will I get for my wrist alone?
  3. Do you get both army pay and VA compensation?
  4. I read online that you can get an automobile allowance up to $18900 once in your life time if you have a hand or foot injury or have vision loss. From the info above do I seem like a good candidate to get that allowance?
in Health by (0 points) | 3.0k views

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