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is it possble when my caller call me on my number and if wait time is too long or waiting time in queue is too long then I want them to hear their hold time/wait time ?
in Education & Reference by (150 points) | 686 views

1 Answer

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yes, you can achieve this by the following setting in queues.conf

ringinuse = no
timeout = 15
announce-frequency = 90
announce-holdtime = yes
announce-position = yes
announce-round-seconds = 10
member => SIP/102
member => SIP/101

; Keep in mind that you may also prevent a sound from being played if you
; explicitly set a sound to be an empty string. For example, if you want to
; prevent the queue from playing queue-thankyou, you may set the sound using
; the following line:
; queue-thankyou=
;("You are now first in line.")
;queue-youarenext = queue-youarenext

 ; ("There are")
;queue-thereare = queue-thereare

;("calls waiting.")
;queue-callswaiting = queue-callswaiting

; ("The current est. holdtime is")
;queue-holdtime = queue-holdtime

; ("minutes.")
;queue-minutes = queue-minutes

; ("seconds.")
;queue-seconds = queue-seconds

; ("Thank you for your patience.")
;queue-thankyou = queue-thankyou

; ("Hold time")
;queue-reporthold = queue-reporthold

 ; ("All reps busy / wait for next")
;periodic-announce = queue-periodic-announce
by (1.6k points)

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