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in Computers & Internet by (1.1k points) | 188 views

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60 Seconds is very very short time but between that 60 seconds lots things happen in web word, in social media sites.Just in 60 seconds:

·         Most popular and most visited website Google Search Engine Serves more that 694,445 queries

·         695,000 status updates with 79,364 wall posts & 510,040 short comments are published on the No. 1 social media marketing & social networking site Facebook

·         Users uploads 600+ videos on the No. 1 video marketing site YouTube

·         Social media users uploads 6,600+ images to Flickr

·         168,000,000+ emails are sent

·         Internet Users register 70+ new domains

·         Users download 13000+ times  iPhone applications

·         Users creates 320 profiles and generate 98,000 tweets on the micro blogging site Twitter

·         20,000+ posts are published on the micro blogging site Tumblr

·         Most popular blogging platform WordPress is downloaded 50+ times

·         WordPress users downloads 150+ plugins

·         Most of the SEO marketing Specialists favorite web browser Firefox is downloaded 1,700+ times

·         100 profiles are created on No. 1 professional networking and most valuable social media site LinkedIn

·         100+ questions on Answers

·         Users ask 40+ new questions on Yahoo Answers

·         Users add 1 new definition Urban Dictionary

·         Users do 370,000+ minutes voice calls on Skype

·         1,200+ classified ads are created on Craigslist

·         13,000+ hours of music streaming is done by Pandora

·         users read contents 1,600+ times on the content promotion site Scribd

These facts are really unbelievable but true.

by (820 points)

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