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My Code:

exten => 777,1,Set(LANGUAGE()=es)

exten => 777,2,SayDigits(01234)

It does not speak in Spanish, it only speaks in english

Any help would be appreciated..

in Education & Reference by | 1.2k views
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I also want to play the digits in hindi in asterisk? please help
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Place you hindi digits in this location -> /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/hn/digits

and set the language in your dialplan like this
exten => 777,1,Set(CHANNEL(language)=hn)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Double check that your es files are in the right directory…

The path should be



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LANGUAGE() is deprecated; use CHANNEL(language) instead

Use like below

exten => 777,1,Set(CHANNEL(language)=es)

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