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in Education & Reference by (460 points) | 582 views

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The following are php directives that you may need to edit in the /etc/php.ini files , keep values that best suit your environment, generally default values will work fine, u may need to change the values only if uploading large files greater then 2MB 

file_uploads = keep this on to enable file uploads 
upload_tmp_dir = point to a temporary directory to store uploaded files 

upload_max_filesize = maximum file size in bytes that the PHP engine will accept.
Note: increase according to file size to upload

post_max_size = maximum peremitted http post size in bytes,
Note: this should be larger than upload_max_filesize

memory_limit = maximum amount of memory in bytes that is allowed for use by a PHP script
Note: this should be larger than post_max_size
Warning: choose a large memory_limit only if you have sufficient memory

max_input_time = maximum amount of time in secs allowed for each PHP script to receive httpd clients request,
Note: if u have slow connection increase this value

max_execution_time = maximum amount of time in secs allowed for each PHP script to execute.
Note: if uploading large files increase max_execution_time to prevent timeouts.

If you upload files less then 4 MB use the following 


 file_uploads = On

 upload_tmp_dir = "/tmp"

 upload_max_filesize = 5120

 post_max_size = 10M

 memory_limit = 20M

 max_input_time = 90

 max_execution_time = 60

if your upload file size from 5 MB to 10 MB use the following 


 file_uploads = On

 upload_tmp_dir = "/tmp"

 upload_max_filesize = 10240

 post_max_size = 16M

 memory_limit = 32M

 max_input_time = 180

 max_execution_time = 120


by (150 points)

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