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A customer bought a new car, he always used to go to a particular ice-cream shop. he doesn’t have any problem whenever he eats vanilla ice-cream but when he eats strawberry ice-cream the car will have starting trouble. He reported this to the car company the mechanical checked and reported that the car has no problem. The next day customer got the same problem when he ate strawberry ice-cream at last an intelligent mechanical found out the reason.
Can u guess what?

in Entertainment & Music by (460 points) | 566 views

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This is not about the flavour..but the time to buy the flavour I guess. The store must be having a quick delivery counter for vanila flavour as its the most popular product. The car must have got some heating problem, so wenever the customer buys vanila the car does not get sufficient time to cool down.

by (1.1k points)

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