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It would appear that the "uniqueid" field is not being populated in the MySQL CDR DB. Is this an obsolete field or is a bug?
in Education & Reference by (460 points)
retagged | 447 views

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You need to define MYSQL_LOGUNIQUEID at compile time for it to use that field.

You have two options in /usr/src/asterisk-addons:
1. Either add CFLAGS+=-DMYSQL_LOGUNIQUEID to the Makefile.
Note that recently (around Asterisk 1.4.18 or before) this has changed to ASTCFLAGS+=-DMYSQL_LOGUNIQUEID
2. Or instead add a #define MYSQL_LOGUNIQUEID to the top of cdr_addon_mysql.c.

Finally perform the usual make clean, make, make install. Be sure to check the Makefile for the presence of this flag after having done a CVS update! You 

will most probably also want to index the uniqueid field in your cdr table to improve performance.

You will also have to add a `uniqueid` column in your mysql database after the `accountcode` column:

ALTER TABLE `bit_cdr` ADD `uniqueid` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL default ''

after `accountcode`;


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