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in Computers & Internet by (460 points) | 471 views

4 Answers

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In terms of activity facebook, twitter has potential all they have to do is make it a little more Facebook in terms of expanding from tweets to more sharing, images, videos etc. they need a better news feed. Google plus is pretty lame to me, Pinterest appeals to women more than anything.

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Did you know that Tumblr generates more revenue per click than all the other social networks apart from Facebook? Tumblr takes second place amongst all the others. I think the answer to this question depends massively upon on the nature of your business and the demographic you are trying to target. Mobile app social networks such as Instagram and Snapchat are brilliant tools for targeting a younger age-group. Fashion and beauty businesses use these tools very successfully as well as Pinterest which is growing at a fantastic rate.

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As Facebook is now reducing how many followers actually see the content you produce on your product or service pages (unless you pay for it) I can see other social networks getting more traction this year.

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I used to do internet marketing using FB but the ROI is not that good anymore compare to the past few years. As you have said, they already limit the number of people who see your content. If the other social networks do not anything to step up their game, I think Facebook will still be the King.


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