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Around Dec, 2013, I got to know that my website was in Honeymoon period. My posts were ranking on the first page (even on the first position). But suddenly, traffic dropped. Almost from 8k to 800! I took expert views and they told me that it's a common problem, Google shows new sites higher than others for few months. I was told to write quality content, I should not stop writing good content (However, I was writing the same from beginning). Now, I am following their advice. But, it's getting really hard to pull the same results.
Now, my question is, how to get rid of it? I am writing good and unique content. It's 100% unique. I think, I need to make fresh backlinks. Can anybody suggest me some good backlinks, or where should i submit my website? so as to get the same reputation in search results. Expert suggestions are required. 
My website is about technology, Fashion, Entertainment, Automobiles.
in Computers & Internet by (460 points) | 238 views

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