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in Computers & Internet by (460 points)
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2 Answers

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- do not put copy content to any website
- Write Semantic and Valid Markup
- Always use alt tag on the images
- always keep the CSS and JavaScript files Externally
- Try to use div instead of table
- Always try to avoid any iframe on the websites
- always add a robots.txt file on the root folder and disallow the unnecessary and non index able files and folders through robots.txt
- Do not keep any broken link on the website
- Create a customized 404 page and redirect all the broken links there
- Use Search Engine Friendly url Names
- Use Breadcrumb Navigation properly
- if you are developing a ecommerce site then develop 3 different xml sitemap:
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Register the website and sitemap.xml with Google Webmaster, Yahoo Webmaster, Bing Webmaster
Use a content management system that will allow you to manage the On-Page SEO components including Meta Title, Meta Description, H1, and several H2s per page, as well as Link anchor text and Link titles
Do the on-page SEO mentioned above on every page
Make sure pages are 400 words or more and also have one or more images with image metadata (alt and title tags)
Build links to your site, especially to internal pages, not just the home page (where to do this is a challenge, but a diversity of links is recommended (pagerank, types of sites, geographical diversity, etc.)
Have a URL structure that has keywords
Get a domain name with target keywords in it
Use feedburner for the RSS feed and syndicate content (and links) to a Twitter account and Facebook page
More content, regular content on the site, either in pages or posts (blog posts/news), but better for both
Videos embedded and Video Sitemap submission to Google
Create a sitemap

Take proper SEO and other marketing measures

Submit in search engines and directories.

Service providers like provide Search Engine Visibility Service through which they help the user to get the desired pagerank.


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