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in Computers & Internet by (460 points) | 374 views

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1. Backup!
A backup is always crucial to upgrading any software, if something goes wrong you can quickly restore the backup.
a) Firstly backup your database, navigate to http://localhost:8080/phpmyadmin and login as root. You can find the password in C:/xampp/htdocs/database.php
b) Select your database and press export, save this file to your desktop - we will need this soon.
c) Install WinRar, we find this to be the best archive program.
d) Open XAMPP control panel and stop all running services.
e) Open XAMPP control panel and uninstall all services.
f) Close XAMPP control panel.
g) Right click on the c:/xampp and select "Add to Archive.."
If you find the archive takes too long, you can exclude the backup of the C:/xampp/htdocs/content directory as follows:
In WinRar select the "Files" tab and press "Append..." next to "Files to exclude".
Exclude C:/xampp/htdocs/content or C:/xampp/htdocs/content depending on your install.
2. Update XAMPP
a) Move C:/xampp/ to C:/xampp.bak/ - this is your old installation.
b) Download the latest version of XAMPP as a .ZIP from
c) Extract to C:/xampp/
d) Run C:/xampp/setup_xampp.bat
e) Don't start apache/mysql just yet.
3. Configure APACHE
Open C:/xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf in WordPad.
Press CTRL + F to find "Listen 80" and change this to "Listen 8080".
4. Configure XAMPP & MySQL Authorisation
Open  the browser on the server and navigate to http://localhost:2000/security/index.php
Update the MySQL root password and configure the XAMPP Directory username/password.

5. Restore Content
a) Copy the contents of C:/xampp.bak/htdocs/ into C:/xampp/htdocs/
b) Login to phpMyAdmin at http://localhost:8080/phpmyadmin/ (password in C:/xampp/htdocs/database.php)
c) Create a new database with the same name as your previous database (name in C:/xampp/htdocs/database.php if unsure)
d) Select the new database and press Import, navigate to the backup you took earlier in step 1 and restore the database.
6. Restore FileZilla (If any used as FTP)
If you used the native XAMPP FileZilla FTP Server, you will need to copy C:/xampp.bak/FileZillaFTP/FileZilla Server.xml to C:/xampp/FileZillaFTP/FileZilla Server.xml
7. Start XAMPP, Apache & MySQL
a) Open XAMPP Control panel and install Apache & MySQL as a service
b) Now start both services
That is it!
You should now be able to login to your control panel as normal.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your server administrator first.

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