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in Science & Mathematics by (0 points) | 365 views

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The death rate of a country can be reduced by:

  1. Withstand against the various infectious diseases: as Infectious diseases were the leading cause of death in any country.
  2.  Improving Nutrition and Public Health Measures: as we know that better nutrition allowed people to avoid contracting disease and to withstand against fatal diseases.
  3. High tech medical treatment: the new high tech medical treatment increase our life span considerably.
  4. Smoking cessation and better diets: it also improves of life time.
  5. Rising incomes and a variety of social programs: these have accompanied significant reductions in mortality rate. Higher incomes make possible the use of expensive medical treatment.  


by (660 points)
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Increasingly, mortality reductions are attributed to medical care, including high tech medical treatment, and not to social or environmental improvements. Smoking cessation and better diets also are factors: per capita consumption of cigarettes rose from essentially zero in 1900 to more than 4,000 per year per capita in 1960, or over two packs per smoker per day.

by (80 points)

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