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Can I have an example with explanation?
in Education & Reference by (460 points) | 667 views

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Queue members can be defined as having a penalty - e.g.

member => SIP/1001,1
member => SIP/1002,2
member => SIP/1003,3
member => SIP/1004,2

Strategy is defined as 'ringall', only those available members with the lowest priorities will ring. In the example above, if 1001 is not busy, then only 1001 will ring. If 1001 is busy,
then only 1002 & 1004 will ring. If 1001, 1002 and 1004 are busy, then 1003 will ring.

Note: If extension 1001 does not pick up it will not automatically go to extension 1002. It will keep ringing 1001 until they pick up. It will only go to
the next extension if the current extension is either busy or unavailable.

by (1.6k points)

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