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How Can we execute a Agi script after hangup ,Actually i am using queue with local channel, I m trying with "h,1,AGI()".but it is executing two times after hangup but i want to execute it one time after hangup of both channels

in Computers & Internet by (-50 points) | 2.9k views
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2 Answers

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You can simply do like this

exten => _X.,1,Answer
exten => _X.,2,Set(CDR(accountcode}=CODE123)
exten => _X.,3,Hangup()
exten => h,n,AGI(any.php,${UNIQUEID})

Or you can write your code here for further assistance..


by (1.6k points)
0 0
Thanks for Reply..
Your dialplan is absolute fine for single number but i want to use it in queue as you know that if we used queue with local channels(outside mobile numbers) it takes two channel for a single call so. on the hangup two channels goes down then h extension is executing two times..but i want to execute it one time after hangup of both channel.
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are you bridging the 2 calls?
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yes i m bridging the incoming call to executives.
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exten => _X.,1,Answer();
exten => _X.,2,Queue(test);
exten => _X.,3,Hangup();


member => local/XXXXXXXXXX@outgoing-extension;
member => local/YYYYYYYYYY@outgoing-extension;
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so where r u writing ur queues.conf?
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Actually i want to send a  sms to caller and executive.So i want to execute AGI file after hangup..

exten => _X.,1,Answer();
exten => _X.,2,Queue(test);
exten => _X.,3,Hangup();

exten => h,1,AGI(abcd.php);
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As what I am seeing in your Queue "test" you have defined member and I guess you cannot do bridging like this....
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I can suggest you one thing as I have done the same thing you can do by callfile in asterisk..and send sms by AGI which will run only 1 time
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Hello Sam,
Can you give me a example for it?

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I can suggest you one thing as I have done the same thing you can do by callfile in asterisk..and send sms by AGI which will run only 1 time

by (1.6k points)
reshown by
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Can you give me an example for it.

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I think callfile concept not suitable for my project.

thanks sam
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the same concept I had already implemented with sms...and it will need to create a callfile from PHP and other leg was generated in extensions.conf and after that call will bridge and you can call AGI for sending SMS...

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