The preferred way of installing the Opus codec is to use menuselect in Asterisk to automatically download and install the codec. From the Asterisk top-level source directory, run
1) run make menuselect
2) Highlight "Codec Translators" and press enter. 3) Scroll down to "codec_opus" in the section labeled "External" 4) Press enter to select the codec if it is not already selected. 5) Press "x" to exit menuselect and save your selections.
From here, build and install Asterisk as you normally would. When you run the make install
step, codec_opus will automatically be downloaded and installed into the Asterisk module directory (by default, /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/).
The alternative way to install codec_opus is to download a tarball directly from
choose the version and download and
. Once the tarball is downloaded and untarred, perform the following steps:
1) Copy the file into the Asterisk module directory (by default,
/usr/lib/asterisk/modules/). 2) Copy the codec_opus_config-en_US.xml file into the Asterisk external
documentation directory (by default,
The codec selecter should ensure that you download the correct version of the codec for your version of Asterisk.