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in Education & Reference by (1.1k points) | 8.4k views

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The OTRS Daemon is a daemon process that performs asynchronous tasks, e.g. ticket escalation triggering, email sending, etc.

A running OTRS Daemon is mandatory for correct system operation.
Starting the OTRS Daemon

Make sure that the file '/opt/otrs/var/cron/otrs_daemon' exists (without .dist extension).

This cron job will check every 5 minutes if the OTRS Daemon is running and start it if needed.

Execute '/opt/otrs/bin/ start' to make sure the cron jobs of the 'otrs' user are active.
like /opt/otrs/bin/ start otrs

After 5 minutes, check that the OTRS Daemon is running in the system ('bin/ status').

by (1.6k points)
0 0
I am getting error

[root@localhost ~]# su otrs /opt/otrs/bin/ status

/opt/otrs/bin/ line 21: use: command not found
/opt/otrs/bin/ line 22: use: command not found
/opt/otrs/bin/ line 23: use: command not found
/opt/otrs/bin/ line 25: use: command not found
/opt/otrs/bin/ line 26: syntax error near unexpected token `('
/opt/otrs/bin/ line 26: `use FindBin qw($RealBin);'
0 0
Tried another way

/opt/otrs/bin/ status - the OTRS daemon
Copyright (C) 2001-2017 OTRS AG,

Error: You cannot run as root. Please run it as the 'otrs' user or with the help of su:
su -c "bin/ ..." -s /bin/bash otrs

[root@localhost ~]#  su -c "bin/ ..." -s /bin/bash otrs
bash: bin/ Permission denied
0 0
You are doing the wrong way

Please follow the below commands

[root@localhost bin]# su otrs
[otrs@localhost bin]$ ./ status - the OTRS daemon
Copyright (C) 2001-2017 OTRS AG,

Daemon running
[otrs@localhost bin]$ ./ start - the OTRS daemon
Copyright (C) 2001-2017 OTRS AG,

Daemon already running!
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OTRS Daemon Command Line Interface
The OTRS Daemon command line tools let you control the main daemon process (Start / Stop) or query its status. There are also tools to get more detailed information about the other four children daemons.
Main Daemon Tools
To start, stop or query daemon status bin/ script is used.
Example 4.30. Example to start the OTRS Daemon

shell> cd /opt/otrs/
shell> OTRS_HOME/bin/ start

Available Options
start - to start the OTRS Daemon process.
stop - to stop the OTRS Daemon process.
status - to query the OTRS Damon process status.
start --debug - to start the OTRS Daemon process in debug mode.
In this mode each daemon reports different messages depending on the actions that are been executed. This mode is not recommended for production environments.
stop --force - to stop the OTRS Daemon process in reducing the wait for children processes to finish.
A forced stop reduces the amount of time the main daemon waits to successful stop the other children processes from 30 seconds (normal) to 5 seconds (forced).
Other Daemon Tools
To list all configured child daemons that the main daemon should start and keep running use the console command: Maint::Daemon::List.
Example 4.31. Example to list all configured daemons

shell> cd /opt/otrs/
shell> bin/ Maint::Daemon::List

To list detailed information of all daemons use the console command: Maint::Daemon::Summary.
Example 4.32. Example to a summary of all daemon tasks

shell> cd /opt/otrs/
shell> bin/ Maint::Daemon::Summary

Source: OTRS

0 0
su otrs -c "bin/ status" - the OTRS daemon
Copyright (C) 2001-2017 OTRS AG,

Daemon running

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