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I am using otrs5 and would like to use InnoDB instead of MyISAM because of table locking issue.

Can anyone help me?
in Education & Reference by (1.1k points) | 1.4k views

2 Answers

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[otrs@localhost bin]$ ./ Maint::Database::MySQL::InnoDBMigration
Checking for tables that need to be converted to InnoDB...
95 tables need to be converted.
You can re-run this script with --force to start the migration.
This operation can take a long time.

[otrs@localhost bin]$ ./ Maint::Database::MySQL::InnoDBMigration --force

Converting all database tables to InnoDB...
95 tables need to be converted.
Changing table acl to engine InnoDB...
Changing table acl_sync to engine InnoDB...
Changing table article to engine InnoDB...
Changing table article_attachment to engine InnoDB...


mysql> SELECT TABLE_NAME,  ENGINE FROM   information_schema.TABLES WHERE  TABLE_SCHEMA = 'otrs';

| acl | InnoDB |
| acl_sync | InnoDB |
| article | InnoDB |
| article_attachment | InnoDB |

by (1.1k points)
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Dont forget to modify my.cnf file

add line

by (1.6k points)

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