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So I have known this guy for about 2-3 years now the first time I saw him I fell in love it happened on accident, I wasn't suppose to be in that class but I was and I saw him. Later my friend became friends with him and he said he had a gf....I was sad but a year and a half later I added him on facebook and he said he broke up with his girlfriend he asked me to hang out and we did manyyy times we went to hookah together the park, movies everything we kissed....and eventually did things (I said no to romance I wasn't ready) and than one day me him his best friend and my best friend went to see a movie and HE LEFT ME THERE....he said he was going to get a drink but never came I cried soo hard that night and just wanted to go home I cried months afterwards, than he apologized the next day and said he had things to think about and he didn't text me for 6 months eventually getting back together with his ex gf , than after 6 months he texted me asking to see me and me being dumb and in love i went I called him out on everything and he explained how he didn't want me to fall for him so much (take into consideration he had many times to take advantage and have romance with me but he never did) and that he loved me but didn't know what to do and that night he was confused he said if he listened to his heart he would of stayed at the movies with me but he listened to his brain and went home leaving me....he had good explanations and he before would tell me everything (about his parents being murdered and his's sincerely sad :() and now he said ur the only one I wanted to talk to noone else and later I found out it was true many people asked him to hang out but he came with me. Well that night I kissed him, falling back in love again....deeper but my sister found out we hung out (and she knew everything about the movies because I cried for months) and she messages him to never talk to me again and to leave me alone...and he said to her that he likes me a lot and he just wants a chance with me but she kept being mean so he kept texting me and I didn't reply for awhile because he ignored me for a week after I apologized about my sister later I even changed my number but after awhile I texted him and he said he was texting me he missed me all this time he was back with his gf again and he told me I was the only girl that he was texting other than his gf and he would only cheat on her with me.....that's the bad part ok so now again he barely talks to me he says its cuz he hasn't seen me but he doesn't even make an effort too....what should I do now? SORRY FOR THIS BEING SO LONG I WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE IF I COULD GET SOME HELP PLEASE!!!

in Family & Relationships by | 770 views

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It would be good to be true to everyone. So i would preffer that you ask him directly if he loves you and if he says yes then tell him to be honest with his present girlfriend and tell her that he loves YOU. and tell your sister that now he is really in love with you so she would also not disturb the things.. AND if he says "NO" then better you forget him and move on with the life. I seriously hope for the best and wish you the best luck. I hope it might have helped you a lil' bit.


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