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what is direct connect gateway used for?

in Education & Reference by (460 points) | 122 views

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A Direct Connect Gateway is a networking service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows you to connect your virtual private clouds (VPCs) in different AWS Regions to a single Direct Connect connection.

Direct Connect Gateway enables you to establish private connectivity between VPCs that are located in different AWS Regions, as well as access to resources in on-premises data centers. This can be useful for businesses that need to distribute workloads across different regions or want to create disaster recovery architectures across regions.

By using Direct Connect Gateway, you can simplify network management and reduce network costs by consolidating your Direct Connect connections. This is because you can use a single Direct Connect connection to connect multiple VPCs across different regions, instead of creating multiple Direct Connect connections for each VPC.
by (4.7k points)

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