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How to detect new posts in the other telegram channel and forward it to different channel ?
in Education & Reference by (810 points) | 196 views

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To detect new posts in one Telegram channel and forward them to another channel, you can use a Telegram bot and the Telegram Bot API. Here are the steps to accomplish this:

Create a new Telegram bot by talking to the BotFather and following the instructions. You will receive a token that you will use to authenticate your bot in the API calls.

Subscribe your bot to the source channel and the destination channel. You can do this by adding the bot as an administrator to each channel.

Use the Telegram Bot API to retrieve the latest messages from the source channel. You can use the getUpdates method to retrieve the latest messages from the channel.

Parse the messages and identify the new ones that you want to forward to the destination channel. You can use the message timestamps to identify the new messages.

Use the Telegram Bot API to forward the selected messages to the destination channel. You can use the forwardMessage method to forward a message to another chat.

Repeat steps 3 to 5 periodically to detect and forward new messages.

Here is some sample Python code that demonstrates how to implement this:

import time
import telegram

# Replace the values below with your own
BOT_TOKEN = 'your_bot_token_here'
SOURCE_CHANNEL_ID = '@source_channel'
DESTINATION_CHANNEL_ID = '@destination_channel'

bot = telegram.Bot(token=BOT_TOKEN)

def forward_new_messages():
    # Retrieve the latest messages from the source channel
    updates = bot.get_updates(chat_id=SOURCE_CHANNEL_ID)

    # Iterate over the messages and forward the new ones to the destination channel
    for update in updates:
        message = update.message
        if > last_message_date:
            bot.forward_message(chat_id=DESTINATION_CHANNEL_ID, from_chat_id=SOURCE_CHANNEL_ID, message_id=message.message_id)

    # Update the timestamp of the last processed message
    last_message_date = updates[-1] if updates else last_message_date

# Initialize the last processed message timestamp to the current time
last_message_date = int(time.time())

# Loop forever and forward new messages every minute
while True:

Note that this code is just a starting point and may need to be modified to fit your specific requirements.

by (4.7k points)

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