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in Business & Finance by | 749 views

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Any kind of work for call centre please contact me on skype:

Skype ID: asterisk-help
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In order to get the process to work you should work on the following points:

i) When are calls arriving? It may seem like a simple question but are you getting peaks and troughs? Is an initial surge causing a ‘knock-on’ effect through the rest of the day?

ii) How does the existing process work? By empowering the agents with the ability to do ONE thing is there a way to reduce call length or reduce the number of repeat calls/callbacks required.

iii) Does the process ‘bog down’ at any point? Is something acting as a speed ramp?

iv) What are the main causes of abandonment? Long wait, complicated call type, or is there some other reason?

v) How is existing technology being used?

By answering and solving the above points you must become able to establish a successful call centre business.
by (3.2k points)

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