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I recently ended a 3 year relationship and just started mingling. It just so happens that I started to talk with the girl I had the best relationship experience with for about 6 months. She is so open to me and its only been a week but we talk alot making me think about our past together. She is in a very abusive relationship with a dick and told me by next week she is ending the relationship. The problem is, she told me next time we meet to maybe if we feel it, have *** but nothing more. I feel like I always loved her and that she is my kryptonite. Making me feel weak whenever we talk. We are talking more of a friends with benefits *** and she feels she must not have a relationship for a long while- maybe years- but the way she puts it is that atleast for now and the year to come to be friends with benefits. What should I do? I feel like maybe being in this intimate relationship not now but in the years to come we will work out something.
in Family & Relationships by (0 points) | 805 views

1 Answer

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Dear Richard,

You have taken a wise decision by ending relationship with her. As you mentioned your girl was not worthy of your love and trust.

She has broken your trust as she isn't reveals her abusive relationship with someone else with you. Trust is the foundation of a perfect relationship. When both of you trust each other completely and understand each other, it prevents insecurities and frustrations from ever cropping up. But she has no values for your trust.

I understand that you love her without any self benefit, but in reality she haven't any such feelings for you.

She was only trying to make use of you throughout your friendship  

Be strong, forget and discard such kind of people in your life.
by (3.2k points)

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