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my rank is 255 in IIT JAM 2014, i have filled counselling form. According to my rank i wiil get newer iits otherwise not. MSc holder from older iits like delhi,bombay, kanpur etc. gets bigger package than students of newer iits. What should i do? Should i attempt jam exam again ?
in Education & Reference by (10 points) | 257 views

2 Answers

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Hi Ravi,

As you have described here, it seems that you are not satisfied with your current ranking in IIT JAM 2014. If you are looking for healthy salary package than your ranking should be good enough. As per my opinion you should attempt IIT JAM exam again. Who knows that your hard work and determination will led to you in achieving higher salary packages.

All the best for brighter future ahead.
by (660 points)
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I would recommend if you can afford the time so go for again

by (4.7k points)

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