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Some weird changes are happening. Some sites are jumping from nowhere to first page and some are disappearing. I have been watching a few niches and changes are happening every single hour.
have you notice and see any changes in your ranking today ? because my site drop on ranking last 1 hour what is yours guys ?

in Computers & Internet by (460 points) | 441 views

3 Answers

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Yes .. one of my biggest sites got slapped real hard ..
some pages went from page 1 to page 2 and 3 ..
other pages went from page 1 to nowhere ..

doesn't look like a usual Google dance ..
but it's happening in one website so far ..


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I have seen a massive rise a month or two ago, first place no s**t.
Now it seems we have had some severe drops but after some work they are going back up again, maybe it is a change? We use semalt
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The factors that Google considers are keywords in URL, Title, Text, Domain age,Number of visitors etc.It keeps updating the factors for page ranking. The companies that provide SEO also should update accordingly.If we get services from such a concerned company then we can definitely make SEO to be effective.I have used the SEV(Search Engine Visibility) from as they provide keyword and suggested topics,submit the site to over 100 search engines and also provide reports which eventually improved my website traffic.


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